This summer has been a whirlwind! We did in fact find a house and secure a loan by the end of June! We've moved in, bought appliances and mostly unpacked. Then we went on vacation, let me tell you, that was needed. I love how God prearranges things to happen when we most need them, because this vacation was scheduled months ago and there it was right when we needed it. We spent a little over a week resting in a tent up north in Michigan. It was lovely. We saw some amazing things. Came home and have been resting some more before Joel has to go back to work. We are all enjoying our new house, especially the cats. They settled right in. Our big work load has been in the yard, it's a bit overgrown to say the least, but there are lots of great treasures to find out there, including at least 8 rose bushes, a tulip tree, hydrangeas, lilacs, a pear tree and black berry bushes. I'll have to post some more pictures after I clean up this week. I'm trying to figure out the new ho