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Showing posts from July, 2019

Mindy Dog

I know that it’s been over a month now. I feel like I shouldn’t find myself randomly crying as I vacuum the living room or as I wake up in the morning but I still do. It doesn’t seem like quite enough to say that she was a good dog. She became so much more than that and I don’t know if I recognized it until she was gone.    We moved into our home in the summer before our daughter’s tenth birthday. She had asked for a dog  ever  since she could string together more than three words. We were habitual renters, we could play off the request on our landlords and say they wouldn’t allow it. But once we had our own place, the time came to make good on her request. We looked at several different dogs, but it was clear that Mindy was the right one for use. She was older but that also meant that she was calmer and content to hang out in the house and just be. She didn’t play, unless you called yelling at the cat most evenings play, but she happily took pets and occasionally, she wo

Just. You. Wait. by Tricia Lott Williford

Sometimes you read a book and you just aren't quite sure what to share about it. Just. You. Wait.  by Tricia Lott Williford is one of those books for me. This book can help you work through some stuff that you've been dealing with which is kind of amazing considering it's more of a memoir than a self-help book. Most every chapter is a story of waiting and what has or hasn't happened in the midst of that waiting. There are three stages of waiting that are explored in this book: longing, becoming, and awakening. Overall, Williford does an excellent job of exploring these three stages all while pointing to the One that is in the midst of our waiting and is the answer to our desires.  Just. You. Wait. shares stories of waiting that range from fishing, to the DMV, to marriage, to deliverance from addiction. The reason why these stories all work is because she is deeply invested in each of the stories that she shares about even when they aren't her personal sto