And then it was the last day of lent. How did that happen? Last night we went to a Good Friday service. It was different than our mid afternoon tenebrae, but still worship. I still get distracted sometimes in worship, even though my daughter is 9 and old enough to worship on her own. She still needs encouragement and occasional instruction, as do we all. One interesting thing that happened last night as we were waiting in the church, we looked at the missionaries that are supported and recognized a face. In fact, we recognized three faces, Marta Bennett and her two children. As I pointed to them, I reminded Hannah that she had seen a movie with them before, she remembered that it was the movie Brave. It was fun seeing them there, knowing that others are praying for them and supporting them. Tomorrow is Easter. Celebration of life and in a lot of ways the end of our winter hibernation. I always feel hesitant to see winter go. It's turned into a favorite season. A time when you can