Y'all know that I love Tricia Lott Williford's books, I listen to her podcast, in my mind, we would be the best of neighbors if we knew each other and lived next door to each other. This book is written for her friends, especially her friends who want to fall in love with the Bible but don't know where to begin. So if that sounds like something that you could use some help with, this is the book for you. This Book Is for You is not a step-by-step how to read the Bible in 365 days and get the most out of it type of book, it's more like a dating guide for the best book you'll ever read. Trisha goes through several different struggles that she had as she fell in love with Bible and what she discovered from those struggles. Overall, it's a quick read that will get you started on your own journey of loving the Bible. My favorite part was probably right at the end, where she gives a list of fifteen things to know as you navigate the bible. All fifteen are great an