One Thousand Wells is the birth story of Blood: Water. You may be familiar with the organization that has been championed by Jars of Clay. If not, this is an excellent introduction to their mission and their work. The majority of the book is how Jena came to be a part of Blood: Water, a testimony of sorts. It's how God spoke to her from the very beginning to bring her to help Africa with not only clean water sources but with the fight against AIDS as well. My favorite part of the book though was the end. I enjoyed reading about her change in thought in regards to mission work. She went from a bright eyed naive "I'm going to help save Africa!" to a mature understanding of "I'm going to walk alongside Africa, even if the road is tough." The transformation she experienced through heartache and missteps is one that we can all come to when it involves helping others. As she points out, humanity can not save itself, but it can be with one another in the