Getting dinner on the table can be tough sometimes. Especially if you're in the midst of a busy day or a string of busy days. That's why I have a couple of dinners that I know I can get on the table in less time than it would take me to leave the house, order food, wait for it to be prepared, and get back to the house. These kind of meals end up saving time not just because they're easy to prepare and get on the table, but because you can plan for them and know that you can tell yourself, "Dinner will be ready soon." Some of them can be thrown together with pantry items last minute or you can swing by the store with a very short list instead of hitting up the pizza joint for the fifth night in a row. Tacos Taco Salad Hamburgers Grilled Cheese ( get fancy with it or heat up some Campbell's tomato if you're into it) Yaki Soba (coleslaw mix, soba noodles, sauce of choice, BAM dinner) Pancakes , sausage, and fruit salad Sloppy Joe and tater to