I used to love to get teeny bopper magazines, mainly because of the quizzes. You know the ones where you answer a few questions and find out if "He's the one" or "Your perfect pasttime" I thought I'd try my hand at creating one today about our relationship with our church. And it's not about whether or not your church is doing a good job, but how good of a congregant are you. A snazzy title might be
What's your passion level for the bride of Christ?
1. It's Sunday and worship starts in one hour. I am
a. pouring another cup of coffee while the kids watch SpongeBob.
b. realizing what time it is and start yelling at the kids to get out of bed.
c. already at church in Sunday School.
2. During the sermon, I normally
a. take the time to fix that hangnail that's been bothering me all week.
b.taking notes on the sermon to ask the pastor about them later.
c. am asleep on the couch or at a soccer game.
3. When people ask me about my church, I tell them about
a. my pastor, he's awesome, you should hear the sermons, they are the best.
b. where the building is located and what programs we go to.
c. my friends from church and how they have helped me grow.
4. It's time for the annual potluck, I am
a. always in charge, have to make sure we have enough seats for everyone!
b. first in line, Betty Joe's marshmallow fluff doesn't last long.
c. on my way home, I hate having to deal with the crowds that show up.
5. Betty Joe looked at me funny as she whispered something to her buddy. My first thought is
a. not again! What did I do now?
b. who is that woman and why is she looking at me?
c. oh, look! There's new pens in the friendship pad.
6. I get a phone call and it's the nominating committee. They want me to serve .I
a. accept whole-heartedly, I've been hoping they would call. I've got plans.
b. don't pick up, so thankful for caller id.
c. pantomime that I'm sick and dying to my kid who's trying to hand me the phone.
7. The pastor has announced that we'll be doing small groups during Lent. I
a. call all the people in my small group to let them know when we'll be meeting.
b. avoid all eye contact and pretend I'm a first time visitor.
c. sign up for a group, but don't put it on my calendar.
8. My kid moved up into youth group, they came home with a black eye. I
a. never go back to the church again.
b. call Betty Joe and complain about the youth pastor.
c. conference call the youth pastor and the parents of the kid who did this.
9. My favorite part about church is
a. fellowship hour. I need that snack to make it to lunch in a half hour.
b. worship, they always play my favorite hymns.
c. the people, they are like family to me.
10. When I have a problem with something going on at church, I
a. keep it to myself, unless I'm complaining to my friends about it.
b. go immediately to the head pastor, it's normally their fault, right?
c. think about praying about it and then decide to go to the church up the street.
Time to tally up your score, to see what your passion level is.
If you took this quiz at all, give yourself five points.
If you answered all ten questions, keeping track of your letters, give yourself another ten points.
If you skimmed down to the bottom, to read through all the different passion levels before taking the test, give yourself 20 points.
For every a answer add one point, b add 2 points, c add 3 points.
0-4 points Your passion is non existant
You don't really like church. In fact, you think most of the time you spend at church is wasted. You would much rather be doing something else with other people. You often speak poorly of the place you worship, if you speak of it at all. You're quite often on the prowl for the perfect church, though you don't really know what that means.
5-14 points You like church
You and church get along pretty well. You enjoy going there when it's convenient. You have some friendly faces you recognize in the crowd, though when asked to do something outside of Sunday worship you often have a reason to say no. You often serve on committees, but don't always make the meetings. If conflict comes up, you're likely to lay low and not get involved.
15- 30 You love church.
You and church are doing pretty well. You enjoy spending time with the body of believers and are growing in your faith. Sometimes you have problems, but you understand that it's not the end of the world. You're in it for the long haul.
31-higher You're in love with the church.
You have an idea of who church is and unfortunately, you're more in love with the idea of church than with the reality. You often think that if you can be in charge then things will run smoothly. You miss a lot of the things going on because you only see the good things. There's a great possibility that you will eventually leave the church because she can't live up to your expectations.
If you made it all the way here, you should know that the majority of this is tongue in cheek in case you couldn't tell. I'm not calling anyone out in particular, I'm just letting you know that I have thoughts on these things. I'm willing to share more of them if you're willing to read, but honestly, wouldn't it be more fun to be church instead of just talking and reading about it?
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