Here I was excited and pumped up and willing and ready to dive into something, anything. And the thing I had to do was wait. I had to wait to see what God wanted me to do with that information He'd placed in my lap.
You know what? Waiting isn't much fun. Especially when what you perceive wandering by right outside your door is opportunity that you could be participating in. You see all those posts on the internet about day one vs one day. And honestly, those things are only things I see when I'm waiting. I'm not sure if the world is holding on to them until I'm in the wait pattern or what.
And then it happened. I saw it, that opportunity, it was right there and I really really wanted to take it, but I still had not heard. And you might be saying, "But, Tina, you'd been waiting and there it was! Why didn't you just take it?" Well, because I wasn't actually waiting on opportunity, I was waiting on the Lord. And here's the best part, when that opportunity drifted on by and I waved at it longingly, seeing my boat pass on by, God spoke. He reminded me that I didn't really want to go where that boat was leading and I most certainly didn't love the opportunity enough to see it through. I would have begrudged the work because of my lack of love in fact.
I knew God was right because I'm old enough to have made that mistake before a time or ten or hundred if we're into honesty. And I had to hand it to God for being so graceful with me. He could have let me go on that journey, heading in the wrong direction. He could have not allowed the opportunity at all and just had me continue to wonder if I could have got that old motor to start. No God let me see it, God gave me the patience to let it pass by, and God gave me truth to sustain the decision.
These things aren't easy. Waiting on the Lord in any situation isn't easy, but I will say time and again that it's worth it.
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