Study Questions Week 1
1.Paul warns the people of Galatia against the gospel that is being preached to them. He says that it's actually no gospel at all. What areas of your life started out sounding like good news but became a burden? Is there something that you can do today to return to the gospel and the joy that you felt when you first believed?
2. Paul tells his story to remind the people of Galatia of the good news. If you are unfamiliar with Paul's conversion story, you can read it in Acts Chapter 9. As you read the story, look for similarities between your own story with God.
3. In verse 15, Paus says "But when God, who set me apart from my mother's womb and called me by his grace..." Have you ever thought about whether or not you have been called by God since before you were born? There are several passages throughout scripture that refer to God's choosing of us. Search the word "womb" using a Bible app or website (www.bible.org or www.biblegateway.com) Spend some time pondering this idea of how committed God is to what your life holds. Write out a few of the things that you have recognized in your life that God prepared you for from the womb.
4. Once Paul gets this revelation from God, he immediately goes away. Paul was not running away from his responsibilities but acting in obedience to God's desires. Many stories in scripture involve holy waiting, some even share the consequences of acting rashly instead of waiting. You can read the stories of Abraham and Sarah, Moses, David among others. What does this holy waiting look like today? Are you being asked to stop striving and rest in the in between? Why is waiting so difficult? Take some time to sit with God and talk about what you should be doing with your time. Be open to the idea that God may ask you to wait.
5. Weekly Challenge: Our challenge this week is to seek out a revelation from God and to act upon it.
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