Okay, this is one of those things that you realize that things in society have gotten a little out of hand, when you feel like a real renegade because you are willing to consume a raw egg, but I have to tell you, this recipe right here, is awesome.
I saw it on Pinterest and thought, that's worth a shot.

Doesn't it look pretty. After reading the recipe, I wasn't quite sure what was exactly going to happen with the raw egg to make it look like that and where exactly the cream ended up I wasn't too sure either.
Well, it doesn't look like the picture at all. It looks like coffee with cream but it tastes like a latte or some other steamed milk creation. I made Joel try it, we both agreed that it's weird. And not weird in a "what the heck was I thinking?" kind of way, but weird in a "how does that happen?" kind of way.
It's tasty, give it a try. Click on this link, brew a cup of coffee, crack an egg and enjoy!
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