The unofficial end of summer is what the news called today. Kind of funny to think about things like seasons which could care less about our desires have official beginnings and endings. Summer may very well stick around for a few more weeks putting out the heat rays or fall could move in tomorrow and start turning leaves left and right. It doesn't care about our marked days on the calendar, if you don't believe me ask any bride who has planned an outdoor wedding and watched the weather reports.
We happen to have some nice ways to mark summer in our home, my husband's birthday is the start of the summer and my daughter's is the end. I sometimes feel a little sad when Hannah's birthday happens, because it means the end of the pool season and all those kids have to go back to school even though the weather is almost perfect for exploring outside. Seems like we should have a month where the kids can go camping and meet bugs and discover that they can survive without devices and constant contact. Maybe that will be something added to the curriculum soon.
But here it is, Labor Day, the official unofficial end of the summer season. Back to work, back to school, back to routine. I've been telling my daughter that the routine will be returning soon. She isn't too pleased with that, but I let her help decide what the routine is, so that makes things a little better I hope. In the midst of all that I'm thinking of what our goals should be.
This summer, the goal was to learn how to ride a bike. She picked that up pretty quick and within two and half months of learning she was going on mile long bike rides up hills while on vacation. I was amazed! Makes me wonder what other amazing things can happen this year. Maybe we'll master the art of pumpkin bread or homemade cream cheese. Maybe we'll learn to take portraits of animals with point and shoot cameras. Maybe we'll memorize an entire book of the bible. Who knows! But now is an excellent time to dream about the what ifs. I think it will be good for me to imagine some wonderful things happening today. What about you?
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